Migration from v0 to v1

Guide on how to migrate from v0 to v1

The v1 is designed to be simpler and more intuitive for working with the SDK. Most changes involve removing deprecated elements and enhancing extensibility without introducing breaking changes by eliminating unnecessary interfaces.

Here are the key design changes to keep in mind when working with v1:

  • The Client interface has been removed. BaseClient is now renamed to Client.
  • The Signer interface has been updated to provide APIs for signing various types of payloads.
  • BaseSigner has been replaced by ECDSASigner.
  • The AdapterL1, AdapterL2, and Adapter interfaces have been removed.
  • The Transaction712 has been replaced by Transaction.

Simplified Wallet Initialization

When passing the Client to WalletL1, WalletL2, or Wallet, you no longer need to pass a pointer to the initialization function.


PrivateKey        := os.Getenv("PRIVATE_KEY")
ZkSyncEraProvider := "https://testnet.era.zksync.dev"
EthereumProvider  := "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia"

client, _    := clients.Dial(ZkSyncEraProvider)
ethClient, _ := ethclient.Dial(EthereumProvider)
wallet, _    := accounts.NewWallet(common.Hex2Bytes(PrivateKey), &client, ethClient) // <-- pass &client


PrivateKey        := os.Getenv("PRIVATE_KEY")
ZkSyncEraProvider := "https://testnet.era.zksync.dev"
EthereumProvider  := "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia"

client, _    := clients.Dial(ZkSyncEraProvider)
ethClient, _ := ethclient.Dial(EthereumProvider)
wallet, _    := accounts.NewWallet(common.Hex2Bytes(PrivateKey), client, ethClient) // <-- pass client

Balance Method

The Balance method signature has been simplified and standardized across all implementations in WalletL1, WalletL2, Wallet, and SmartAccount.


walletL1, _ := accounts.NewWalletL1(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)
walletL2, _ := accounts.NewWalletL2(PrivateKey, &client)
wallet, _   := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)
account     := accounts.NewECDSASmartAccount(Address1, PrivateKey, client)

balance1, _ := walletL1.BalanceL1(nil, utils.EthAddress)
balance2, _ := walletL2.Balance(context.Background(), utils.EthAddress, nil)
balance3, _ := wallet.Balance(context.Background(), utils.EthAddress, nil)
balance4 _ := account.Balance(context.Background(), utils.EthAddress, nil)


walletL1, _ := accounts.NewWalletL1(PrivateKey, client, ethClient)
walletL2, _ := accounts.NewWalletL2(PrivateKey, client)
wallet, _   := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, client, ethClient)
account     := accounts.NewECDSASmartAccount(Address1, PrivateKey, client)

balance1, _ := walletL1.BalanceL1(nil, utils.EthAddress)
balance2, _ := walletL2.Balance(nil, utils.EthAddress)
balance3, _ := wallet.Balance(nil, utils.EthAddress)
balance4, _ := account.Balance(nil, utils.EthAddress)

Transfer Optimized

The Transfer function in WalletL2 and SmartAccount has been optimized to use EIP-712 transactions instead of legacy or EIP-1559 transactions. This implementation reduces gas usage and enables additional ZKSync features.


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)

tx, err := wallet.Transfer(nil, accounts.TransferTransaction{
  To:     Address2,
  Amount: amount,
  Token:  utils.L2BaseTokenAddress,


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)

hash, err := wallet.Transfer(nil, accounts.TransferTransaction{
  To:     Address,
  Amount: amount,
  Token:  utils.L2BaseTokenAddress,

// transfer with paymaster
paymasterParams, err := utils.GetPaymasterParams(
    Token:            ApprovalToken,
    MinimalAllowance: minimalAllowance,
    InnerInput:       []byte{},

hash, err := wallet.Transfer(
  &accounts.TransactOpts{PaymasterParams: paymasterParams},
    To:     Address,
    Amount: amount,
    Token:  utils.EthAddress,

Withdraw Optimized

The Withdraw function in WalletL2 and SmartAccount has been optimized to use EIP-712 transactions instead of legacy or EIP-1559 transactions. This implementation reduces gas usage and enables additional ZKSync features.


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)

tx, err := wallet.Withdraw(nil, accounts.WithdrawalTransaction{
  To:     Address,
  Amount: amount,
  Token:  utils.L2BaseTokenAddress,


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)

hash, err := wallet.Withdraw(nil, accounts.WithdrawalTransaction{
  To:     Address,
  Amount: amount,
  Token:  utils.L2BaseTokenAddress,

// transfer with paymaster
paymasterParams, err := utils.GetPaymasterParams(
    Token:            ApprovalToken,
    MinimalAllowance: minimalAllowance,
    InnerInput:       []byte{},

hash, err := wallet.Withdraw(
  &accounts.TransactOpts{PaymasterParams: paymasterParams},
    To:     Address,
    Amount: amount,
    Token:  utils.EthAddress,

Renaming of Deposit Parameters

The following parameters in Wallet.Deposit have been renamed:

  • ApproveERC20 is now ApproveToken.
  • ApproveBaseERC20 is now ApproveBaseToken.


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)

tx, _ := wallet.Deposit(nil, accounts.DepositTransaction{
  To:               wallet.Address(),
  Token:            L1Dai,
  Amount:           big.NewInt(5),
  ApproveERC20:     true,
  ApproveBaseERC20: true,
  RefundRecipient:  wallet.Address(),


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, client, ethClient)

tx, _ := wallet.Deposit(nil, accounts.DepositTransaction{
  To:               wallet.Address(),
  Token:            L1Dai,
  Amount:           big.NewInt(5),
  ApproveToken:     true,
  ApproveBaseToken: true,
  RefundRecipient:  wallet.Address(),

Renaming of ApproveERC20 to ApproveToken

The method WalletL1.ApproveERC20 has been renamed to WalletL1.ApproveToken.


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, &client, ethClient)
approveTx, _ := wallet.ApproveERC20(nil, L1Dai, big.NewInt(5), L1SharedBridge)


wallet, _ := accounts.NewWallet(PrivateKey, client, ethClient)
approveTx, _ := wallet.ApproveToken(nil, L1Dai, big.NewInt(5), L1SharedBridge)

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