Types are placed in three packages for different purposes:
: Contains common and general types used to build basic features and other types.eip712
: Contains types used for EIP-712 implementation.clients
: Contains types that are meant to be used along withClient
: Contains types that are meant to be used along with an account. Many types are similar to those from thegeth
library, but theFrom
fields are omitted because these fields are associated with account.
This section provides a list of various types used in the ZKsync Go SDK. These types are categorized based on their purposes and usage within the SDK.
Represents an enumeration of account abstraction versions.
type AccountAbstractionVersion uint8
const (
None AccountAbstractionVersion = iota
Represents an enumeration of account nonce ordering formats.
type AccountNonceOrdering uint8
const (
Sequential AccountNonceOrdering = iota
Contains approval-based paymaster input. It should be used if the user is required to set a certain allowance to a token for the paymaster to operate.
type ApprovalBasedPaymasterInput struct {
Token common.Address // ERC20 token used to pay transaction fee.
// Minimal allowance of Token towards the paymaster from the account that pays the fee with the token.
MinimalAllowance *big.Int
InnerInput []byte // Additional payload that can be sent to the paymaster to implement any logic.
Contains batch information.
type BatchDetails struct {
// Hashes of the base system contracts involved in the batch.
BaseSystemContractsHashes struct {
Bootloader common.Hash `json:"bootloader"`
DefaultAa common.Hash `json:"default_aa"`
} `json:"baseSystemContractsHashes"`
CommitTxHash *common.Hash `json:"commitTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the commit operation on L1.
CommittedAt time.Time `json:"committedAt"` // The timestamp when the block was committed on L1.
ExecuteTxHash *common.Hash `json:"executeTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the execution on L1.
ExecutedAt time.Time `json:"executedAt"` // The timestamp when the block execution was completed on L1.
L1GasPrice *big.Int `json:"l1GasPrice"` // L1 gas price at the time of the block's execution.
L1TxCount uint64 `json:"l1TxCount"` // The number of L1 transactions included in the batch.
L2FairGasPrice *big.Int `json:"l2FairGasPrice"` // Fair gas price on L2 at the time of the block's execution.
L2TxCount uint64 `json:"l2TxCount"` // The number of L2 transactions associated with this batch.
Number *big.Int `json:"number"` // L1 batch number.
ProveTxHash *common.Hash `json:"proveTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the proof submission on L1.
ProvenAt time.Time `json:"provenAt"` // The timestamp when the proof was submitted on L1.
RootHash *common.Hash `json:"rootHash"` // Root hash of the state after processing the batch.
Status string `json:"status"` // Current status of the batch (e.g., verified).
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"` // Unix timestamp when the batch was processed.
Extends the types.Block
definition with
additional L1BatchNumber
, L1BatchTimestamp
type Block struct {
Header *types.Header
Uncles []*types.Header
Transactions []*TransactionResponse
Withdrawals types.Withdrawals
Hash common.Hash
Size *big.Int
TotalDifficulty *big.Int
SealFields []interface{}
ReceivedAt time.Time
ReceivedFrom interface{}
L1BatchNumber *big.Int
L1BatchTimestamp *big.Int
Contains block information.
type BlockDetails struct {
Number *big.Int `json:"number"` // The number of the block.
L1BatchNumber *big.Int `json:"l1BatchNumber"` // Corresponding L1 batch number.
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"` // Unix timestamp when the block was committed.
L1TxCount uint64 `json:"l1TxCount"` // The number of L1 transactions included in the block.
L2TxCount uint64 `json:"l2TxCount"` // The number of L2 transactions included in the block.
RootHash common.Hash `json:"rootHash"` // Root hash of the block's state after execution.
Status string `json:"status"` // Current status of the block (e.g., verified, executed).
CommitTxHash *common.Hash `json:"commitTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the commit operation on L1.
CommittedAt time.Time `json:"committedAt"` // The timestamp when the block was committed on L1.
ProveTxHash *common.Hash `json:"proveTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the proof submission on L1.
ProvenAt time.Time `json:"provenAt"` // The timestamp when the proof was submitted on L1.
ExecuteTxHash *common.Hash `json:"executeTxHash"` // The transaction hash of the execution on L1.
ExecutedAt time.Time `json:"executedAt"` // The timestamp when the block execution was completed on L1.
L1GasPrice *big.Int `json:"l1GasPrice"` // L1 gas price at the time of the block's execution.
L2FairGasPrice *big.Int `json:"l2FairGasPrice"` // Fair gas price on L2 at the time of the block's execution.
// A collection of hashes for the base system contracts involved in the block.
BaseSystemContractsHashes struct {
Bootloader common.Hash `json:"bootloader"`
DefaultAa common.Hash `json:"default_aa"`
} `json:"baseSystemContractsHashes"`
OperatorAddress common.Address `json:"operatorAddress"` // Address of the operator who committed the block.
ProtocolVersion string `json:"protocolVersion"` // Version of the ZKsync protocol the block was committed under.
Represents the addresses of default bridge contracts for both L1 and L2.
type BridgeContracts struct {
L1Erc20Bridge common.Address `json:"l1Erc20DefaultBridge"` // Default L1Bridge contract address.
L2Erc20Bridge common.Address `json:"l2Erc20DefaultBridge"` // Default L2Bridge contract address.
L1WethBridge common.Address `json:"l1WethBridge"` // WETH L1Bridge contract address.
L2WethBridge common.Address `json:"l2WethBridge"` // WETH L2Bridge contract address.
L1SharedBridge common.Address `json:"l1SharedDefaultBridge"` // Default L1SharedBridge contract address.
L2SharedBridge common.Address `json:"l2SharedDefaultBridge"` // Default L2SharedBridge contract address.
Contains parameters for contract call using L2 transaction.
type CallMsg struct {
From common.Address // The sender of the 'transaction'.
To *common.Address // The destination contract (nil for contract creation).
Gas uint64 // If 0, the call executes with near-infinite gas.
GasPrice *big.Int // Wei <-> gas exchange ratio
GasFeeCap *big.Int // EIP-1559 fee cap per gas.
GasTipCap *big.Int // EIP-1559 tip per gas.
Value *big.Int // Amount of wei sent along with the call.
Data []byte // Input data, usually an ABI-encoded contract method invocation.
// GasPerPubdata denotes the maximum amount of gas the user is willing
// to pay for a single byte of pubdata.
GasPerPubdata *big.Int
// CustomSignature is used for the cases in which the signer's account
// is not an EOA.
CustomSignature hexutil.Bytes
// FactoryDeps is a non-empty array of bytes. For deployment transactions,
// it should contain the bytecode of the contract being deployed.
// If the contract is a factory contract, i.e. it can deploy other contracts,
// the array should also contain the bytecodes of the contracts which it can deploy.
FactoryDeps []hexutil.Bytes
// PaymasterParams contains parameters for configuring the custom paymaster
// for the transaction.
PaymasterParams *PaymasterParams
Represents the transaction fee parameters.
type Fee struct {
GasLimit *hexutil.Big `json:"gas_limit"` // Maximum amount of gas allowed for the transaction.
// Maximum amount of gas the user is willing to pay for a single byte of pubdata.
GasPerPubdataLimit *hexutil.Big `json:"gas_per_pubdata_limit"`
MaxFeePerGas *hexutil.Big `json:"max_fee_per_gas"` // EIP-1559 fee cap per gas.
MaxPriorityFeePerGas *hexutil.Big `json:"max_priority_fee_per_gas"` // EIP-1559 tip per gas.
Represents the fee parameters configuration.
type FeeParams struct {
// Fee parameter configuration for the current version of the ZKsync protocol.
V2 struct {
// Settings related to transaction fee computation.
Config struct {
MinimalL2GasPrice uint64 `json:"minimal_l2_gas_price"` // Minimal gas price on L2.
ComputeOverheadPart uint64 `json:"compute_overhead_part"` // Compute overhead part in fee calculation.
PubdataOverheadPart uint64 `json:"pubdata_overhead_part"` // Public data overhead part in fee calculation.
BatchOverheadL1Gas uint64 `json:"batch_overhead_l1_gas"` // Overhead in L1 gas for a batch of transactions.
MaxGasPerBatch uint64 `json:"max_gas_per_batch"` // Maximum gas allowed per batch.
MaxPubdataPerBatch uint64 `json:"max_pubdata_per_batch"` // Maximum amount of public data allowed per batch.
} `json:"config"`
L1GasPrice uint64 `json:"l1_gas_price"` // Current L1 gas price.
L1PubdataPrice uint64 `json:"l1_pubdata_price"` // Price of storing public data on L1.
} `json:"V2"`
Contains general paymaster input. It should be used if no prior actions are required from the user for the paymaster to operate.
type GeneralPaymasterInput []byte
Represents the L1 bridge contracts.
type L1BridgeContracts struct {
Erc20 *l1bridge.IL1Bridge // Default L1Bridge contract.
Shared *l1sharedbridge.IL1SharedBridge // L1SharedBridge contract.
Represents the L2 bridge contracts.
type L2BridgeContracts struct {
Erc20 *l2bridge.IL2Bridge // Default L2Bridge contract.
Shared *l2bridge.IL2Bridge // Shared L2Bridge contract.
Represents a layer 2 to layer 1 transaction log.
type L2ToL1Log struct {
BlockNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"blockNumber"`
BlockHash common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
L1BatchNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchNumber"`
TransactionIndex *hexutil.Uint `json:"transactionIndex"`
ShardId *hexutil.Uint `json:"shardId"`
IsService bool `json:"isService"`
Sender common.Address `json:"sender"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
TxHash common.Hash `json:"transactionHash"`
Index *hexutil.Uint `json:"logIndex"`
Extends the types.Log
definition with additional
// Log represents a log entry.
type Log struct {
L1BatchNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchNumber"`
Represents a log proof for an L2 to L1 transaction.
type LogProof struct {
Id int32 `json:"id"` // Identifier of the log within the transaction.
Proof []common.Hash `json:"proof"` // Each element represents a piece of the proof for the specified log.
Root common.Hash `json:"root"` // Root hash of the proof, anchoring it to a specific state in the blockchain.
Represents a message proof.
type MessageProof struct {
Id int32 `json:"id"`
Proof []common.Hash `json:"proof"`
Root common.Hash `json:"root"`
Contains parameters for configuring the custom paymaster for the transaction.
type PaymasterParams struct {
Paymaster common.Address `json:"paymaster"` // address of the paymaster
PaymasterInput []byte `json:"paymasterInput"` // encoded input
Represents confirmation data that is part of L2->L1 message
type PriorityOpConfirmation struct {
L1BatchNumber *big.Int
L2MessageIndex int32
L2TxNumberInBlock *big.Int
Proof []common.Hash
Represents the protocol version.
type ProtocolVersion struct {
VersionId uint8 `json:"version_id"` // Protocol version ID.
Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"` // Unix timestamp of the version's activation.
// Contains the hashes of various verification keys used in the protocol.
VerificationKeysHashes struct {
Params struct {
RecursionNodeLevelVkHash common.Hash `json:"recursion_node_level_vk_hash"`
RecursionLeafLevelVkHash common.Hash `json:"recursion_leaf_level_vk_hash"`
RecursionCircuitsSetVksHash common.Hash `json:"recursion_circuits_set_vks_hash"`
} `json:"params"`
RecursionSchedulerLevelVkHash common.Hash `json:"recursion_scheduler_level_vk_hash"`
} `json:"verification_keys_hashes"`
// Hashes of the base system contracts.
BaseSystemContracts struct {
Bootloader common.Hash `json:"bootloader"`
DefaultAa common.Hash `json:"default_aa"`
} `json:"base_system_contracts"`
// Hash of the transaction used for the system upgrade, if any.
L2SystemUpgradeTxHash *common.Hash `json:"l2_system_upgrade_tx_hash"`
Represents a raw block transaction.
type RawBlockTransaction struct {
// General information about the L2 transaction.
CommonData struct {
L2 struct {
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
Fee struct {
GasLimit hexutil.Big `json:"gas_limit"`
MaxFeePerGas hexutil.Big `json:"max_fee_per_gas"`
MaxPriorityFeePerGas hexutil.Big `json:"max_priority_fee_per_gas"`
GasPerPubdataLimit hexutil.Big `json:"gas_per_pubdata_limit"`
} `json:"fee"`
InitiatorAddress common.Address `json:"initiatorAddress"`
Signature []byte `json:"signature"`
TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"`
Input struct {
Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"`
Data []uint64 `json:"data"`
} `json:"input"`
PaymasterParams struct {
Paymaster common.Address `json:"paymaster"`
PaymasterInput []byte `json:"paymasterInput"`
} `json:"paymasterParams"`
} `json:"L2"`
} `json:"common_data"`
// Details regarding the execution of the transaction.
Execute struct {
ContractAddress common.Address `json:"contractAddress"`
Calldata hexutil.Bytes `json:"calldata"`
Value hexutil.Big `json:"value"`
FactoryDeps []hexutil.Bytes `json:"factoryDeps"`
} `json:"execute"`
// Timestamp when the transaction was received, in milliseconds.
ReceivedTimestampMs uint64 `json:"received_timestamp_ms"`
// Raw bytes of the transaction as a hexadecimal string.
RawBytes hexutil.Bytes `json:"raw_bytes"`
Extends the types.Receipt
definition with additional
, To
, EffectiveGasPrice
, L1BatchNumber
, L1BatchTxIndex
, Logs
, L2ToL1Logs
type Receipt struct {
From common.Address `json:"from"`
To common.Address `json:"to"`
EffectiveGasPrice *hexutil.Big `json:"effectiveGasPrice"`
L1BatchNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchNumber"`
L1BatchTxIndex *hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchTxIndex"`
Logs []*Log `json:"logs"`
L2ToL1Logs []*L2ToL1Log `json:"l2ToL1Logs"`
Represents the standard-json configuration generated as output of zksolc
type StandardConfiguration struct {
Format string `json:"_format"`
ContractName string `json:"contractName"`
SourceName string `json:"sourceName"`
Abi []struct {
Inputs []struct {
InternalType string `json:"internalType"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Indexed bool `json:"indexed,omitempty"`
} `json:"inputs"`
StateMutability string `json:"stateMutability,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Anonymous bool `json:"anonymous,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Outputs []struct {
InternalType string `json:"internalType"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
} `json:"abi"`
Bytecode string `json:"bytecode"`
DeployedBytecode string `json:"deployedBytecode"`
LinkReferences struct {
} `json:"linkReferences"`
DeployedLinkReferences struct {
} `json:"deployedLinkReferences"`
FactoryDeps struct {
} `json:"factoryDeps"`
Merkle proofs for one or more storage values at the specified account
type StorageProof struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
Proofs []struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Proof []string `json:"proof"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Index int32 `json:"index"`
} `json:"storageProof"`
Represents a token with addresses on both L1 and L2 chains.
type Token struct {
L1Address common.Address `json:"l1Address"` // Token address on L1.
L2Address common.Address `json:"l2Address"` // Token address on L2.
Name string `json:"name"` // Token name.
Symbol string `json:"symbol"` // Token symbol.
Decimals uint8 `json:"decimals"` // Number of decimals for the token.
Represents a L2 transaction type.
const TxType = `0x71`
Transaction provides support for ZKsync specific features such as account abstraction and paymasters. Smart contracts must be deployed with this transaction type.
type Transaction struct {
Nonce *big.Int `json:"nonce"` // Nonce to use for the transaction execution.
GasTipCap *big.Int `json:"gasTipCap"` // EIP-1559 tip per gas.
GasFeeCap *big.Int `json:"gasFeeCap"` // EIP-1559 fee cap per gas.
Gas *big.Int `json:"gas"` // Gas limit to set for the transaction execution.
To *common.Address `json:"to"` // The address of the recipient.
Value *big.Int `json:"value"` // Funds to transfer along the transaction (nil = 0 = no funds).
Data hexutil.Bytes `json:"data"` // Input data, usually an ABI-encoded contract method invocation.
ChainID *big.Int `json:"chainID"` // Chain ID of the network.
From *common.Address `json:"from"` // The address of the sender.
// GasPerPubdata denotes the maximum amount of gas the user is willing
// to pay for a single byte of pubdata.
GasPerPubdata *big.Int `json:"gasPerPubdata"`
// CustomSignature is used for the cases in which the signer's account
// is not an EOA.
CustomSignature hexutil.Bytes `json:"customSignature"`
// FactoryDeps is a non-empty array of bytes. For deployment transactions,
// it should contain the bytecode of the contract being deployed.
// If the contract is a factory contract, i.e. it can deploy other contracts,
// the array should also contain the bytecodes of the contracts which it can deploy.
FactoryDeps []hexutil.Bytes `json:"factoryDeps"`
// PaymasterParams contains parameters for configuring the custom paymaster
// for the transaction.
PaymasterParams *PaymasterParams `json:"paymasterParams"`
Contains transaction details.
type TransactionDetails struct {
EthCommitTxHash common.Hash `json:"ethCommitTxHash"`
EthExecuteTxHash common.Hash `json:"ethExecuteTxHash"`
EthProveTxHash common.Hash `json:"ethProveTxHash"`
Fee hexutil.Big `json:"fee"`
InitiatorAddress common.Address `json:"initiatorAddress"`
IsL1Originated bool `json:"isL1Originated"`
ReceivedAt time.Time `json:"receivedAt"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Includes all properties of a transaction as well as several properties that are useful once it has been mined.
type TransactionResponse struct {
BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
BlockNumber *hexutil.Big `json:"blockNumber"`
ChainID hexutil.Big `json:"chainId"`
From common.Address `json:"from"`
Gas hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gas"`
GasPrice hexutil.Big `json:"gasPrice"`
Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"`
Data hexutil.Bytes `json:"input"`
L1BatchNumber hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchNumber"`
L1BatchTxIndex hexutil.Big `json:"l1BatchTxIndex"`
MaxFeePerGas hexutil.Big `json:"maxFeePerGas"`
MaxPriorityFeePerGas hexutil.Big `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas"`
Nonce hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
V *hexutil.Big `json:"v"`
R *hexutil.Big `json:"r"`
S *hexutil.Big `json:"s"`
To common.Address `json:"to"`
TransactionIndex hexutil.Uint `json:"transactionIndex"`
Type hexutil.Uint64 `json:"type"`
Value hexutil.Big `json:"value"`