
Handles transaction signing for ZKsync

The BaseSigner class is designed to handle the creation and management of signing keys, allowing secure and authenticated interactions with the ZKsync Era blockchain.


Creates a new instance of BaseSigner based on the provided mnemonic phrase.

func NewBaseSignerFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, chainId int64) (*BaseSigner, error)

Creates a new instance of BaseSigner based on the provided mnemonic phrase and account ID.

func NewBaseSignerFromMnemonicAndAccountId(mnemonic string, accountId uint32, chainId int64) (*BaseSigner, error)

Creates a new instance of BaseSigner based on the provided raw private key.

func NewBaseSignerFromRawPrivateKey(rawPk []byte, chainId int64) (*BaseSigner, error)

Creates an instance of Signer with a randomly generated private key.

func NewRandomBaseSigner(chainId int64) (*BaseSigner, error)


Returns the address associated with the signer.

Address() common.Address


Returns the EIP-712 domain used for signing.

Domain() *eip712.Domain


Returns the private key associated with the signer.

PrivateKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey

Signs the given hash using the signer's private key and returns the signature. The hash should be the 32-byte hash of the data to be signed.


SignHash(msg []byte) ([]byte, error)


Signs the given EIP-712 typed data using the signer's private key and returns the signature. The domain parameter is the EIP-712 domain separator, and the data parameter is the EIP-712 typed data.

SignTypedData(d *eip712.Domain, data eip712.TypedData) ([]byte, error)

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